This is a case of a 97 year old female with a host of co-morbidities and multiple hospitalizations. Of her myriad illnesses, the patient had Parkinson’s disease and a history of strokes. In question was the psychotropic drug Haldol, a medication which was given to the patient for agitation while she was in the hospital. In the plaintiff’s counsel’s opening statement he told the jury that they would hear the words “Haldol” and “contraindicated in Parkinson’s” again and again, alleging that the side effect of dysphasia ultimately led to aspiration pneumonia and death.
Under examination by the defense attorney, our defendant doctor, testified with strength and conviction that he was aware of the contraindication of Haldol, however, after carefully weighing the risks and benefits of other medications available, he determined that a single dose of Haldol was the safest way to proceed with his elderly and agitated patient. In support of his defense, the physician testified that Haldol had been administered twice to the patient in her prior hospitalization of one month ago, without any adverse reaction.
In conclusion, a convincing case was made that the cause of the patient’s neurological deterioration was the result of the intracranial bleed and not because of the administration of Haldol. A defense verdict was returned by the jury.
Proven Results We solve tax problems quickly and quietly. Professional tax representation includes defense against tax crimes, tax evasion, failure to file a tax return and criminal non-filing, filing false tax returns, installment agreements, partial payment agreements, audits, sales tax controversies, wage garnishments, bank levies, seizure of property, innocent spouse relief, trust fund recovery penalty, payroll taxes, statute of limitations, offer in compromise ("OIC"), administrative appeals, collection due process hearings ("CDP") asset protection trusts, tax liability settlement trusts, and most other tax matters.
Successful Tax Advocates We keep our clients out of court and out of prison. We practice before the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (“NYS”) the Department of Justice Tax Division (“DOJ”) and the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (“DOHA”).
Conveniently Located Our offices are conveniently located at 147 West 35th Street (near Penn Station) and same day and emergency appointments are available.
Professional Service To schedule a legally privileged consultation with an experienced Federal Tax Practitioner and licensed Attorney call Selig & Associates directly (212) 974-3435.
We Settle Insurance Claims for Top Dollar In addition to our tax practice we settle large residential and commercial property insurance claims, including business interruption, burglary, fire, windstorm and water damage.
Guaranteed We return telephone calls and answer emails promptly and we provide our clients with regular updates and status reports.
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