On his television show, "Chrisley Knows Best," reality star Todd Chrisley flaunts his lavish lifestyle, but did that lifestyle come at the expense of Georgia taxpayers?
Records show the star of the USA Network show declared himself a legal Georgia resident on numerous court filings, but several sources tell Channel 2 Action News that Chrisley filed no state income tax returns during those years.
"You've seen his federal tax returns and he claimed to be a Florida resident on those?" Channel 2 investigative reporter Jodie Fleischer asked bankruptcy trustee Jason Pettie, who oversaw one of Chrisley's filings.
Pettie indicated he had seen returns from 2004 through 2011. Fleischer asked if he'd seen any Georgia tax returns.
"No," Pettie replied. "They haven't been filed."
The Chrisley family's reality show started in 2014, while the bankruptcy proceeding was still ongoing.
Pettie was floored after watching the Chrisleys flaunt high-end clothing, luxury cars and a 20,000-square-foot Roswell mansion on the show.
"That didn't sit well at all," said Pettie. "I realized there was a lot of debt propping up the appearance on TV."
"I thought it was like bizarro world." said attorney Kevin Ward, who represented one of Chrisley's creditors. "Granted, the show is not under oath, but the person I had under oath was just the opposite. He claimed to be destitute, incapable of paying anything."
Ward also said he quickly spotted another flaw with the bankruptcy. Todd Chrisley filed it in Florida, using a Florida address.
"We immediately attacked the residency issue," Ward said.
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