Getting Away With Murder (or
in the alternative) Avoiding Criminal Tax Prosecution
Criminal Prosecution of Tax Crimes
must usually commence within 3 years of the crime, a/k/a. the dirty deed. See: IRC Sec. 6531. Of course, in the
rough and tumble world of tax crime, every rule has an exception. Ergo, certain crimes take a good long
time. That is to say, they have a 6 year waiting period. Examples include:
or attempting to defraud the United States or any agency thereof;
attempting to evade or defeat any tax or the payment thereof;
aiding or assisting in, or procuring, counseling, or advising, the preparation
or presentation, under the Internal Revenue laws, of a false or fraudulent
return, affidavit, claim, or document;
failing to pay any tax or make any return at the time or times required by law
or regulations;
set forth in IRC Sections 7206(1) and 7207 id
est. false statements and fraudulent documents, and,
described in section 7212(a) id est. intimidation
of officers and employees of the United States.
In addition to these ugly offenses,
several Circuit Courts have held that willful failure to "pay over"
withholding taxes under IRC Sec. 6531(4) is subject to the 6 year statute of
limitations (the criminal side of the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty coin). Additionally,
neither the 3 nor the 6 year statutory
period runs when you’re out of the country or on the lamb (like a fugitive from
justice on the run) See: IRC Sec. 6531.
Aggressive Selig & Associates
delivers the most aggressive tax representation allowed by
law. Specializing in payroll, income and sales tax controversies
for individuals, restaurants, bodegas and professional practices.
Effective We settle contested tax
audits, compromise tax debts and can resolve all marital tax issues including
innocent spouse relief and separation of liability.
Shrewd We can get you a
great deal on a mortgage even if you already have a federal or state tax
lien. All tax representation is provided by a Federal Tax Practitioner and
Licensed Attorney. To schedule a FREE face-to-face consultation, contact
Selig & Associates today.
High-Profile Selig & Associates
represents professional athletes, music and entertainment industry
professionals before the IRS, New York State Department of Taxation and
Finance, District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue, Pennsylvania
Department of Revenue, Georgia Department of Revenue and the California
Franchise Tax Board.
Reasonable-Rates All tax representation is
provided by a Federal Tax Practitioner and Licensed Attorney. To schedule
a FREE face-to-face consultation, contact Selig & Associates today.
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