NYC Tax Advocates

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Specializing in IRS and NYS Tax Representation. Workers Compensation Audits, Payroll, Sales and Income Tax representation for Businesses, Individuals, Restaurants and Construction Companies. Civil and Criminal Workers Comp Audit representation includes: NYSIF Examinations, Premium Disputes, Employee Misclassification, Underreporting, Unreported Income, and Failure to Keep Accurate Payroll Records.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

IRS Commissioner Fires Thousands of IRS Employees - Unsympathetic Citizenry says Good-Riddance

John Koskinen [the most controversial IRS Commissioner in recent history] recently toured the immense IRS flagship facility in Fresno California - then vowed to close it down! IRS Fresno, colloquially called Foxconn, opened its doors in 1972, and up until recently was our Nation’s most preeminent tax return processing facility. By putting 6000 people out of work and kicking Fresno’s economy dead in the crotch, Commissioner Koskinen follows our Führer’s orders with alacrity and an eye towards the future, viz., provided our presumptive democratic empress ascends to the purple.

Typical, says David Selig of Selig & Associates, the Administration has been cooking the books by [among other things] creating phony “make-work” jobs, which conceal the truth and cost the taxpayer billions of dollars annually. And now that President Obama is leaving office, his political acolytes are disassembling each Potemkin village, brick by brick. Astonishingly and in sharp contradiction to the facts, the president et al are claiming they created 14 Million jobs and significantly reduced the national deficit (a lie that not even Joseph Goebbels or the most unscrupulous accountant would dare make). 

There’s a real modus operandi at play [says Selig] Point in fact, do you remember when President Obama visited NASA? In 2011 he toured the facility, delivered a magniloquent speech, posed for pictures, squeezed in eighteen holes of golf, and then shuttered the place. So we really can’t blame the Commissioner for emulating the Commander in Chief, particularly if we believe that imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery. The case of the Commissioner is considerably less compelling though, because most people don’t give a tinker’s damn about IRS employees, and may even consider this closing and corresponding loss of jobs to be poetic justice. Anyway, earlier this month, the commissioner visited the IRS processing facility, pressed the flesh, posited a few platitudes [shut the place down] and then flew back to the Beltway in time for postprandial drinks. *On 14 September 2016 the Fresno Bee reported that approximately 3000 IRS employees received Notice of Termination via email. Fresno Bee reports the facility is scheduled to close in 2021 but sources close to the story say closure appears imminent.   

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